Archer AX73 losing IPV6 connection on some devices
I have my AX 73 with a 2nd AX 73 using Mesh.
IPV6 is working fine but on some devices like my PS5 I need to disconnect and reconnect it to get some services to work. I don't lose connection like in a game. But icons don't load. And the store won't work.
A game can crash also because of this. The fix is to disconnect the PS5 and reconnect to the Internet. Or disable IPv6 altogether. But I use IPV6 on other devices. So not an option.
The two AX73 are using an Ethernet backhaul. So it's nothing to do with the hardware. But possibly an update in the firmware is needed to fix this as something is causing a disconnect on the routers. Or a partial disconnect. I assume IPV6 is dropping and IPv4 is taking over.
When I check the router all is fine. I can't keep reboot every device to fix this.
I've done resets and updated firmware a few times.
I'm hoping another person has IPV6 enabled and us a PS5.