Deco XE75 Constantly Reboots randomly during the day
I have had 3 TPLINK DECO XE75 Routers.
The routers reboot about 7 times a day randomly.
It takes about 5 mins from when they go red, to when they go green.
If I connect to the fibre box while they are red, the interenet is up and working, when I chat to the ISP they do not see any dips in the line.
I then used another wireless router as the interface between the fibrebox and the tplink devices and that sorted the issue out.
However the other wireless router was broadcasting and it was just degrading the signal.
I would like the XE75 devices to just work, this has been going on for a year, I have seen other posts so I know I am not the only one.
The other ridiculous thing is that the logs get wiped on restart so there is NO WAY to know what is causing the reboots.
This situation is frankly ridiculous.