Claro netwoork MC afee send me a msg. Someone found my acess password in deep weeb in a laid who somebody buy netwooks info. Someone tried tô buy my network.
My dad send the WI fi password tô the cknstructors next home behind my house. They acessed my sound bar last days sending a music with lots bad words. Now they have acess to the Lights smart of house
Im from brazil
They acessed my semmler Gmail, acessed my smartphone s23 ultra samsung
And.. The bank account of my dad and Mother. They buyed barber blades in my account in the pharma they have send it yesterday here.
Now I lost acess to claro toeator and the Archer
I am seeng somebody in the roteur Im trying Everything but I can't control more my smart house I need help please

I have a urgente doctors now and im coming back to try more Please help me 😰