Problems establishing IP connection
We have an intermittent problem establishing new IP connections. "Unable to Connect". When this happens if we repeat the attempt in a Browser (chrome, firefox etc), the connection suceeds after several attempts. We are using LTE in a Telia (Sweden) network. We have tried several DNS servers. We have eleiminated NAT in NAT. We have tried DMZ mode. We have downgraded the firmare (and upgraded againg later). Nothing helps. It seems that the problem gets less severe after we reboot the MR200 but returns after a very short while, sometimes returns immediately. The MR200 is the DHCP server for the whole network and is connected to a Dovado wierless router in wireless access mode. ie all DNS, DHCP, NAT etc is done by the MR200. Once a connection is established, for example a VPN connection, it is stable, we have such connections running for several hours. Any advice would be appreciated.