Archer Vr2800 Dropping Max Line Sync Download & Upload & Not Getting Full Line Sync Speed
Archer Vr2800 Dropping Max Line Sync Download & Upload & Not Getting Full Line Sync Speed
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I have opened a ticket for this modem due to these reasons.
max line sync wont connect at highest speed and once connected the max line sync speed drops hour to hour on upload and download.
Example once connected to nbn say 32 / 13 max line rate actual speed is 29 / 12 which holds at that for actual speed no prob.
However max line sync speed keeps dropping , to as low as 20 – 25 d and 9 – 10 u.
So if line drops or have to reconnect it connects at 20-25 9-10 which is a lower connection speed , which this should not happen.
Even when trying several connections its like a lottery getting the higher speed again to connect.
its the modem as i have tried other modems with no issue like this at all.
i think its the firmware as it did not do this a few weeks ago and only just noticed this.
Anyone else have this issue? Joey is there a beta firmware to try and fix this issue? ticket no. 443864.
I have also noticed this modem does not connect at full max line speed as my telstra modem did as well.
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I have opened a ticket for this modem due to these reasons.
max line sync wont connect at highest speed and once connected the max line sync speed drops hour to hour on upload and download.
Example once connected to nbn say 32 / 13 max line rate actual speed is 29 / 12 which holds at that for actual speed no prob.
However max line sync speed keeps dropping , to as low as 20 – 25 d and 9 – 10 u.
So if line drops or have to reconnect it connects at 20-25 9-10 which is a lower connection speed , which this should not happen.
Even when trying several connections its like a lottery getting the higher speed again to connect.
its the modem as i have tried other modems with no issue like this at all.
i think its the firmware as it did not do this a few weeks ago and only just noticed this.
Anyone else have this issue? Joey is there a beta firmware to try and fix this issue? ticket no. 443864.
I have also noticed this modem does not connect at full max line speed as my telstra modem did as well.