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Forums/ WiFi
By frikkie228 18 hours ago

WIFI coverage for a mile long open area

Hi Everyone, I have an railway siding, about a mile long and about 150yards wide, that needs to be covered by wifi for cell phones to get network access to an app. I have an office on one end. Limited
Forums/ Routers
By words Yesterday

ER-650 v2 latest FW?

Where can one find the latest FW for this router? Is there anything recent? This forum has a very bad layout to find such a thing, also the support site may or may not be up to date, stuff gets posted
Forums/ WiFi
By AndreMartins Yesterday

Devices not Connecting to an AP that is behind a non managed by OMADA switch

I have multiple EAP245 v3 with the same firmware. I have one that is behind a T2600G-18TS 2.0 that is not managed by Omada. It's a managed switch but via web interface. These two devices (switch and A
Forums/ WiFi
By WtrN06 Yesterday

IoT devices not connecting to certain AP models

My network setup managed by an OC200 hardware controller (latest firmware) I've been strugling with certain IoT devices to connect to my access points. Depening on which AP is use, the devices will or
Forums/ WiFi
By TW_EPC Tuesday

Distance to AP - Hotspot portal does not load

Hello everyone, I have installed an EAP660-HD in a small public hall. An ER605 is also working there as a router. The two devices connect to my controller via port sharing over the Internet. What I ha
Forums/ WiFi
By PikkonMG Tuesday

EAP650(US) v1.26 Firmware

Picked up a EAP650(US) v1.26 from Microcenter. When I go to the support site only firmware is for the v2 of the device. Where do I find updated firmware?