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Forums/ Switches
By halpac 4 hours ago

What is electricity consume for Omada switch and controller?

I make this question because I live in a country with high electricity cost. Right now I own an ER605 router. But it has only 4 ethernet ports and I need to have more ports since I have more devices t
Forums/ WiFi
By supervillain Friday

Question regarding AP coverage, multistory house

Hey all, I am looking to get away from my old google wifi mesh system. I am close to pulling the trigger on an omada set up. I have a 1.5gb connection from my ISP. I am aiming to get the ER707 router,
Forums/ Controllers
By KKZ Friday

Omada OC 300 Management Access

Hello, I can access my Omada controller OC 300 from my management VLAN and subnet. However, when I try to access the controller from another subnet I cannot and I am also not getting the ping replies.
Forums/ WiFi
By Procorp 2024-12-21 14:22:20

EAP245 Connected from Second Port of Another EAP245 Not Working

Below picture is my network scenerio; PROBLEM : EAP245 connected directly to PoE Switch is working fine. But the second EAP245 connected via PoE Injector to Port 2 of first EAP245 is not working. I ha
Forums/ Gateways
By velisiska Wednesday

Remove fixed IP from disconnected clients

Does anyone know how to remove a fixed IPv4 address from disconnected clients? I’m using the cloud controller. Thanks!
Forums/ General Discussion
By Defty Tuesday

Initial Omada Network deployment

Hello. Quick question as to best practice for inital setup of OMADA hardware. What is the best practice here? connect all devices (including controller) then go straight to controller and initiate dep