Wi-Fi Routers
2024-06-10 19:13:27
How many range extenders
How many RE315s can I connect to my AX80? Is it unlimited?
Range Extenders
2024-06-05 21:54:25
Range Extender password issues
Got a new router with a new password, how do I tell my Re 300 extender the new password?
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-06-06 01:00:48
the clear cellophane wrapping on the antennas can I take it off?
the clear cellophane wrapping on the antennas can I take it off?
2024-06-05 22:26:38
Fire Stick 4K Max will not connect to WiFi 6E
Amazon Fire Stick 4K Max (8gb version) purchased in Aug 2022, says it will connect to 6GH. It will not detect the 6G option. I have 2 pc's that connect fine to the 6G on my network. Amazon was of no h
2024-06-05 20:48:16
Block client's internet access
I would like to be able to block internet access to one, or more, clients. But, allow the client(s) to communicate within the home network. Is this possible? I have tried to find an answer in both the
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-06-05 20:04:13
Archer A8 wifi disappears at night...needs reboot often
My router: tp-link Archer A8 (US) Ver 2.20, For several evenings in a row, my wifi network seems to disappear. Here's the typical series of events: I'm cruising the web on my desktop which is conneced