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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By dnlcartagena 2024-06-14 01:12:04


Hi, I have a question regarding my AX55 Capabilities. Statement: I'm using Starlink's modem in Bridge, and my AX55 as Main Router. I also have a Deco E4, but i can't use it as Main Router because lack
Forums/ Range Extenders
By 1hatetechn0l0gy 2024-06-11 03:11:33

Wireless wifi to outbuilding

I want to get wireless wifi out to the barn. From what I understand, I should get the x50 outdoor. Then, I'm assuming, I need another deco unit to link it to. I can get that far, but do I need to conn
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Kat2024 2024-06-11 01:35:47

How to reset device to factory settings

Do anyone know how to reset this device (RE220 Extender) to factory settings?
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Yaboinebby 2024-06-10 01:43:30

Range Extender RE315 5GHz Network not connecting

In a short summary, today, my RE315 (AC1200) stopped recognizing the 5GHz Wifi. Everytime I reselect the main network, it keeps saying it is unable to connect to the wifi. I haven't changed anything.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By codewarrior 2024-06-09 06:31:10

Why my AXE300 hardware version is v1.0 while box and label both say v1.6?

I just bought an Archer AXE300, the box and label both say hardware version v1.6, but in firmware and tether app, the hardware version is "Archer AXE300 v1.0". I am confused, so which one is correct?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By kolenda52 2024-06-10 20:57:24

What is the best long range nonmesh router?

What is the best long range nonmesh router?