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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By thomas_l Yesterday

Wireguard server provides access to home network but not internet

I have set up a wireguard server and added an account(iphone), the account can access devices on the local network and ping devices while connected through wireguard but can not reach the internet des
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By zonkinho Yesterday

Archer AX55 + AX53 ethernet bachhaul EasyMesh not working

I have my main router Archer AX55 V1.0 with latest firmware1.3.3 Build 20240628 rel.37017(4555) that officialy support Ethernet Backhaul for EasyMesh. I bought few days ago Archer AX53 with latest fir
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By tttg Yesterday

cant connect to NBN Optus

i changed to optus from another provider an i get no internet connection. do i have to change settings or get information from optus? they told me "I can see here line are passing so we just need to c
Forums/ Range Extenders
By billyblixt Tuesday

Monitor extender remote

I need to know if and when my extender goes down. I only know how to do this when I am on my home wireless network. But I need to be able to do this remotely, when I am far away from home. All suggest
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Wilow 3 weeks ago

Archer BE800 second hand with wrong power supply

Hi, I bought a used BE800 on internet (second hand). I received it with a power supply that is not TP-Link brand, extremely noisy and apparently undersized. The seller claims it is the original power
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Zaesen Saturday

Link to Tether

I can't get Tether to connect to the router to input VPN data