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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By woldsweather 16 часов назад

Sewtting up qa New AX3000 routrer

I have connected my laptop to the routert I have got to this page I don't know or have a password so I click forgot password. It says to reset the router which I do but just get back to this page agai
Forums/ Adapters
By RameshGokamalla Tuesday

Can UE300C be used to provide internet from mobile to WiFi router using Ethernet Sharing?

Hello Everyone I live in a village where a proper broadband connection is a task to get. Even there is one service provider called NXT Digital the Internet speeds are also very slow. Mobile Hotspot sp
Forums/ Adapters
By IIZ Вчера

T2U PLUS not detected on Windows 11

Hi, I recently purchased the TP-Link adapter Archer T2U Plus and connected it to my computer. I downloaded the necessary driver from the official website and ran the installation, but my computer does
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By woldsweather Вчера

Setting up new router

I am trying to set up an Archer AXZ3000 router . It says connected but without internet. How do I get connected to the internet?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Liryc Monday

AX72 Pro wireguard not working

Hello, I am having a problem when trying to use Wireguard server on my router. No matter what device i try it won't connect (tried both on android and IOS). The app shows it sends data but there is no
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By ostregag Sunday

Limited speed when using DDNS function on router

Does anyone else have this problem? I think its a bug. I have very limited speed when using the DDNS function, doesnt matter if its from no-ip or tplink. My speed is limited from ~ gigabit to ~ 250 mb