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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By MOdra 22 hours ago

a possible problem with the new firmware version

Hi all, I recently recieved a firmware upgrade for my vr300 from like a week or two ago, I updated the firmware automatically via my wireless connection on laptop. and since then I find unstable bandw
Forums/ Deco
By Manx_Karl Monday

Unmanaged switch connection

I have purchased 6 Deco X50. I have one connected to my modem router and then connected to a TP 8 port Switch, the other Decos are then connected via ethernet around the house leading back to the swit
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Cyprus_Phil Sunday

RE220 and RE200 will not extend at 10 m distance

I have an Archer AX12 Router serving the whole house, however it's wifi signal does not reliably extend to the front garage or the front door. To get over this I have placed a RE220 extender near the
Forums/ Range Extenders
By SKMi Sunday

TP-link extender is not working

Tried to reset, still LED is not switching on. It's been only 1 month since I bought this.

Archer VR2100v no laptop has internet, everything else does

Hello, my old no-brand DSL model gave up after years. I have TP-Link repeaters that worked well, so I got the TP-Link Archer VR2100v on Amazon vom TP-Link. It worked for a few weeks, before the follow
Forums/ SOHO Switches
By MotoBlue Sunday

TL-SG608E(UN) - cannot login

TL-SG608E(UN) Bought new today. Unpacked and put on my network. The Easy Smart Configuration utility sees it on my 192.168.68 network with an a IP address of The switch does not accept