2021-07-25 18:56:19
unable to assign static dhcp from outside the DHCP reservation range.
There are devices i have that are considered fixed, that i allocate address from outside of the DHCP range for guest. This is currently not possible with the controller. When moving to the omada sdn p
2021-07-30 19:01:32
Mulit-gig Router/Gateway
Does anyone know if there is a Multi-gig supported router/gateway on the roadmap? With the new Multi-gig switches and AP's the gateway is becoming a bottleneck with ISP's for ISP's supporting over 1G
2021-03-15 00:56:46
Omada OpenVPN Server config oddities
I have a configuration with two sites, run off one OC200 controller, with an auto-VPN connection between the two sites. Both sites are fronted by TL-R605. I was a little hesitant, but was excited to s
2021-03-15 14:12:09
Tracing ALerts
Hi, I am getting lots of alerts egarding large ping attacks. I can see the alerts in the log window and the device that reports the alert. How can I trace where this large ping is coming from? Thanks.
2021-03-17 23:11:18
How to log/monitor WAN port outbound traffic
I am trying to limit outbound traffic for most IoT devices, but have a small group that needs internet access. I want to set up ACL rules that are limited to the servers/ports required. Can I monitor
2021-01-04 17:54:37
Need some guidance on VLAN setup
I'm working on setting up one or more VLANs to keep traffic from a subnet of camera systems isolated from the rest of my network. I'm a bit unsure of exactly what I need to do, and I'm hoping for some