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Forums/ Feature Request
By Ojos Wednesday

How do i change my email address for logging in?

TP-link seems to have every facility available except I can’t find any way of changing my email address for logging in to the tp-link related websites. I've spent ages searching. Can someone please te
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Ojos 2021-11-26 12:53:03

Where do I post a thread about problems updating firmware through Tapo APP?

I have a number of Tapo devices (C200 & P100) which I have been managing through the Android Tapo APP for a long time without any problems. Today I'm experiencing problems after being told my devices
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Ojos 2021-09-06 19:26:37

What's this new error message about NVR and SD card recording?

I have had my C200s cameras for several years and I am using them with the Tapo App. Suddenly I've started getting an error message saying: "Tapo Care works best with one of NVR or SD card recording,
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Ojos 2021-05-16 21:15:00

Unable to explore the Smart Actions using my Tapo C200 cameras

I have several C200 cameras installed and managing them with the Tapo mobile App. I am now struggling to use the Smart Actions of the Tapo mobile app with my C200 cameras. - I go to Smart Actions and
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Ojos 2021-04-14 11:45:04

Diasterous P110 plug and C200 camera firmware updates.

I have been using my P100 plugs and C200 cameras for a long time and until recently it was all working fine. Then I suddenly found that some of the P100 plugs had abruptly cut of power to their associ
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Ojos 2020-11-19 16:45:52

My new Tapo C200 won't connect to my 2.4G Wifi

I've been using the Tapo App for several years and currently have 2 Tapo plugs and 5 Tapo C200 cameras attached to it. They are all working fine. I've just purchased a new Tapo C200 and trying to add