Requests & Suggestions
2025-01-07 14:26:03
Live WAN Status Widget
With a gateway and two WANs connected, I wish there were a way to quickly verify the live position of: WAN2. LAN connection good WAN connection good Internet speed in Mbps (nice to have) Usage WAN3. L
General Discussion
2023-08-22 08:56:17
Let's Break the Ice - Get Started with Introducing Yourself!
Welcome to the TP-Link Business Community! We’re so glad you’re here. Whether you have been part of the vibrant TP-Link Community for years, are brand new, or simply want to expand your network, you’v
2024-02-22 21:14:16
OC200 - V1_1.28.2 Build 20240110 - upgrade failed
Today (02/22), I accessed the Omada Controller and received a prompt to update to version V1_1.28.2 Build 20240110. I clicked on update, and the OC200 didn't reconnect to the network. It's been over a
Requests & Suggestions
2024-01-10 14:24:49
Add a DHCP Server to OC200 / OC300
I approve of the OC200's small footprint, power consumption, fast startup and ability to oversee the network. I've often thought it's perfectly suited to being a DHCP server and it would be great to h
2023-12-21 09:44:00
Access Point Firmware, no option
The OC200 tells me that all my EAP225 indoor devices have new firmware "available". In previous controller versions, I could click a button to do it now. I can't find this any more, only an option to
2021-02-09 03:04:50
EAP-225 Outdoor Mesh wired to indoor EAP
Hello, I'm looking to set up some Omada equipment between two units and was interested to know if this configuration would work. Both would have EAP-225 Outdoors in mesh mode to connect to each other