Range Extenders
2020-07-12 10:28:59
RE 650: Utilizing MU-MIMO feature to trick no MU-MIMO router
Hi! Can anybody enlighten me, if it is possible to utilize MUMIMO of RE650 in full (I have ordinary Huawei B535-252 router with no MIMO) in a way that I set router to communicate only with RE650 and a
Range Extenders
2020-04-20 10:35:32
RE650- does it smoothes off signal drop-offs of main router?
Hi! I wonder whether RE650 only extends local wi-fi coverage, or does it also levels-off the signal breaks of main router? I keep Netspot open all the time and it shows very nice graph for RE650 when
Range Extenders
2020-04-09 15:10:36
Connecting RE200 to RE650- is it possible?
Hi everybody out there! Due to pandemic our family has to stay at home and it means quite remarkable pressure on sharing wifi. I have 4g/LTE Huawei 535 WL router and RE 200 extender 5G option selected