2019-07-11 18:47:20
821N keeps disconnecting in Windows 10
Bought a 821NV6 today, it keeps disconnecting on Windows 10 when downloading stuff (and sometimes randomly while idle). The symptoms are the exact same as if I manually removed the adapter from the US
2019-06-12 15:51:03
Unstable connection
The connection is very unstable altough I have good signal. The download speed is good but in a few seconds it goes down to almost 0kb/s. I have to disconnect and re-connect to the wifi to get good sp
2019-07-20 21:31:14
TL-WN822N loses connection randomly (W10)
I have a TL-WN822N that I bought a while ago (hardware V3), and in recent Windows updates it's started to lose connection randomly. It was happening a lot with RTL8192CU drivers. I then installed the