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Forums/ Deco
By Ianishomer 3 weeks ago

Decos offline on app, but still working

Hi I have an ongoing issue that TPLink support aren't managing to help.with. I have 5 M4 Decos, and until last week all was well, then I noticed on the app that apart from the main Deco, the other 4 w
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Ianishomer 2022-11-11 14:59:05

Will adding an Archer AX3000 Increase my Internet speed/improve performance

HI Need advice from the more techie minded than me, I currently have a Archer D router and 2x Mesh Deco M4 units, giving me good wifi 85% of the time, i was looking to replace the D9 with an Archer AX
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Ianishomer 2019-07-16 11:05:45

Cant see both 2.4 and 5 bands

Hi Recently purchased an Archer D9 as a replacement for my ISPs tp link router. With the help of my ISP i have configured the unit (i am using the WAN) function rather than ADSL. When I first connecte