Wi-Fi Routers
2019-11-29 22:29:27
Archer C6 v2 router
After upgrade I can't browse guest section from advanced menu. When I click in Guest Network it's only loading.Also when I cliced on wirless it's will just loading. I have an another issue. I can't se
Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-24 09:58:57
Archer C6 IPTV issue
Hello We have found possible hw issue with archer C6 with any firmware. If we transfer across router more bandwidth than 300 mbit/s download and upload (router is sold as gigabit!), IPTV (no matter if
Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-30 20:37:06
Can you add DHCP Option 66/150 for TFTP Servers
As mentioned above in topic. Can you add DHCP Option 66/150 for TFTP Servers ? I dont want to flash alternative firmare to have just this very helpful option ? Sometimes I need to upgrade some devices