2024-09-20 17:56:10
Power outage caused EAP650 and EAP673 to disconnect
First of all, i'm remote from the location where my EAPs are installed, so don't have physical access currently, but I would still like to get a handle on what's going on. There was a power outage at
2024-09-20 11:45:17
Remote access and open ports
Hello, I have a tplink er706w router with the latest software version available for this device. In the remote access tab, I have not defined remote access to the configuration panel, but after enteri
2024-09-19 20:04:30
After setup admin page is not reachable anymore - no device is able to connect to Internet but OC200
Strange issue ... have resettled the router now several times - always ending at the same issue: After the reset the setup wizard is working fine, router adminpage is accessible without issues. Standa
2024-09-20 05:14:18
TPlink trunk configuration
Hi, I'm having trouble with trunk configuration in tplink. Cisco trunk to tplink trunk(cisco trunk working on my fortigate) CISCO 29060x switch to TPlink SG2210MP My plan is Port 1: vlan70 Port 2: vla
2024-09-20 10:23:11
DHCP fixed ip not work
Hi, I have an Omada network set up: OC200 Controller ( + ER605 v2.0 (2.2.6) + Multiple EAPs. The problem is that I can't assign a fixed IP via DHCP. My range: I want to reserve an IP: 172.2
2024-09-20 03:28:17
Omada software kick out
I have an Omada software controller running on Windows and i turn off Cloud access when i was using the admin session and local software and then, was kick out and unable to log in with my credentials