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Forums/ Routers
By Shadowrelic7 2025-02-03 01:45:21

Prone for Man in the Middle attack VLAN 1 (DEFAULT) cannot be disable.

Good day. I Would like to share with you on the DEFAULT VLAN which is VLAN 1. When we decide to make a management vlan, The defualt vlan 1 should not be included in the trunk. but unfortunately, the v
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Shadowrelic7 2025-01-24 01:37:04

Policy base routing, Anti-Tethering(Anti-Hotspot) for vouchering business

I Would like to consolidate all my concerns in one Thread. - Policy Base Routing the scenario will be like, I have two ISP running and i have 2 vlans for example VLAN 2 should pass to ISP 1 and VLAN 3