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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By XKSefa Tuesday

How to Reboot Satellite Easymesh device

Hi, I've two Archer C80 connected to my main router over Ethernet Cable. I'm using one of it as Main. I've connected the other one over Ethernet with Easymesh. But, I couldn't find an option to Reboot
Forums/ Range Extenders
By David-TP 2023-12-04 11:42:51

EasyMesh Range Extenders Start Supporting Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul

This Article Applied to: RE315_V1 RE315_V1_1.0.30 Build 230919 RE900XD_V1 RE900XD_V1_Build_20240411 RE655BE_V1 Supported on the factory firmware. RE800BE_V1 Planned What is EasyMesh with Ethernet Back
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Kevin_Z 2024-09-02 08:27:21

EasyMesh Is Available When Wi-Fi Routers Work in AP Mode as A Controller

Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce the rollout of new official firmware rolling out for multiple routers, including the BE, AX, and AC series, which introduces EasyMesh in AP Mode as a Controll