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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By paoz 2024-11-14 08:27:04

setting up ip-phone - is it enough to set LAN port as IP-Phone? or are there anything else?

Is there anything else that is needed when setting up the IP Phone? Or it is enough to put IP-Phone on specific LAN(Advanced > Network > IPTV/VLAN > Custom) Router: TP Link AC1200 C6 Phone: Axtel AX40
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By paoz 2024-11-12 14:02:47

connect landline to tplink router (ac1200 c6)

Is it possible to connect landline to router? I have archer ac1200 c6 and RJ45-RJ11 cable. When I connect the landline to the router, I was expecting it would at least power on, but nothing happens (e