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Forums/ Deco
By SteveWex 2024-08-22 12:33:31

X55 Firmware causing problems

Problem is: Online Clients (IoT and Main) few in number, sometimes as low as Zero, the rest reporting in the Offline Clients List. Rebooting resets the issue but again, eventually, all clients will en
Forums/ Deco
By David-TP 2024-09-23 07:53:48

Deco X50-V1.2-1.4.5 Supports EasyMesh, Wireguard VPN and Fixed WAN Port

This Article Applied to: Deco X50(EU/US)_V1.2(1.26) Deco X55(US)_V1.26 Modifications and Improvement 1. Support the EasyMesh function. 2. Support WireGuard VPN and built-in easy configuration of NordV