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Forums/ Deco
By Einclad Yesterday

Unable to add EasyMesh Devices on Deco X50 v1.2

My Deco X50 US v1.2 is already updated to 1.4.6 Build 20250211 Rel. 39448 but i am unable to find the add easy mesh node in the deco app (ver 3.8.214)
Forums/ Deco
By David-TP 2024-09-23 07:53:48

Deco X50-V1.2-1.4.5 Supports EasyMesh, Wireguard VPN and Fixed WAN Port

This Article Applied to: Deco X50(EU)_V1.2 Modifications and Improvement 1. Support the EasyMesh function. 2. Support WireGuard VPN and built-in easy configuration of NordVPN/Surfshark VPN. 3. Support