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Forums/ Deco
By David-TP 2024-11-07 07:03:27

Deco BE85_1.1.1 Supports WireGuard VPN,Channel Selection and Matter

This Article Applied to: Deco BE85_V1/V2 Modifications and Bug Fixes: 1. Added Wireguard VPN feature. 2. Added Matter feature. 3. Added Channel Selection feature. 4. Added to the option to enable/disa
Forums/ Deco
By kirx 2024-10-23 05:48:06

Feature Request: Ability to manage own channel on BE85 (all Deco in fact)

Hi, After few months of painstaking trying to figure out if I am able to make this work, which I ended up a dead end, I would like to officially request the feature to manage our own Wi-Fi channels fo