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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By BHJohnson 3 weeks ago

Include MAC and IP address in Threat Management screen columns

Under Insights > Threat Management, the columns available aren't very useful, at least for my use case. Adding a MAC address (for local clients) and IP address (source and destination ideally) option
Forums/ WiFi
By BHJohnson 2024-11-08 10:40:14

VLAN DHCP doesn't work with VLANID 2, but works with VLANID 21

I have five VLANs in my network. 1 is management, 10 is for a non-metered connection, 20 and 30 are for metered connections. I also have a fifth VLAN that is isolated from the internet, so I don't nee
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By BHJohnson 2024-10-30 04:49:21

Ability to adjust data reset dates in the Omada Controller for Local User accounts

Request the ability to change what date the traffic limits reset for Local User accounts in the Omada Controller, ideally by account but even a global reset date or the ability to specify custom durat
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By BHJohnson 2024-10-30 04:38:13

Clients able to see their remaining data on a voucher or Local User authentication

It'd be useful for clients that are authenticated through some sort of portal with either a data or time restriction to be able to see how much data or time they have left without someone logging into
Forums/ Controllers
By BHJohnson 2024-07-03 07:43:25

Monthly data limit reset date

Does anyone know when the monthly data caps reset? There doesn't seem to be a way to set a certain day. Does it go off of when the voucher is activated? Does it go off of when it was created? Is it th
Forums/ WiFi
By BHJohnson 2024-06-06 06:06:45

Switching network between metered and unmetered connections

I am trying to determine the best setup for my network, and I have several ideas that all might work, but I don't know which one is the best. I'm on a ship that spends about half of it's time in port