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Forums/ Controllers
By papa_sau30 2025-01-11 05:19:15

filter starlink apps

please include in application filterring starlink apps in omada oc200 er605 etc.. thank you. I am oc200 owner for almost 100s unit. and purchase thousands of tp link Brand
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By papa_sau30 2024-11-19 02:16:14

total hop limit maximum

please remove total hop maximum limit. in one school the connection is slow because of this. because I have almost 10 Ap eap225 per school. but it cannot connect to recommended bcos of hop reach the m
Forums/ Official Announcements
By Kevin_Z 2021-03-19 09:45:12

TP-Link Community Forum Guidelines

Welcome to TP-Link Community! TP-Link takes pleasure in providing a wide range of methods for our customer base to find answers to questions they may have with our products. One of those methods is th
Forums/ Controllers
By papa_sau30 2024-03-30 00:08:56

time in controller

please fix the time. because when black out the power, the system time get lost and always late late the time and should always to set. thank you
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By papa_sau30 2024-03-24 02:15:02

status and pause time in voucher type

please make an update about voucher type. to see their status as a client, how to pause their time, to have an IP address when they want to see their status or to pause their remaining time etc. thank