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Forums/ Deco
By candybars 2023-12-15 21:28:29

Deco XE200 exclusively using 80Mhz (not switching from 160 constantly limited to 80mhz)

after setting up Deco XE 200 in access point mode, with two units that are using ethernet backhaul. I am experiencing much lower speed than those seen in reviews, and using Wifi Analyzer I realized th
Forums/ Deco
By IntrovertSins 2023-05-15 17:51:28

Deco has temporarily switched your Wi-FI channel width to 80 MHz due to detected radar signals.

Few times in a week I have been experiencing this problem on my XE75 Pro , See below screen shot. The XE75 pro has the 160 MHz feature which allows high bandwith speeds but downgrades when it detects