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Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2024-12-07 17:07:13

XE75 v1 wired connection not possible

Hi, i needed te reset my XE75 set and now i can only connect them with wifi. As soon as i connect cable the led will blink red and deco goes offline in app. only the first one is connected with wire t
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2024-06-01 17:53:18

Separate 2.4 and 5 ghz SSD

Hi David, will it be possible in the near future to separate the 2.4 and 5 ghz SSD from the main network? I have a few internetradio's and security cams, some 2.4 some 5 ghz, I allways have some buffe
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2024-05-17 16:11:29

Managed vs unmanaged switches

Hi everybody Now i use managed switches (Netgear GS308e) between several deco units (XE75-X50-M5) i always notice some weard problems i can not explain in network and deco app. I know i have to set a
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2024-04-22 14:36:20

Enabale Guest wifi makes system crash

Everytime i enable the guest wifi it makes the system crash and it needs a full restart. i am sick of all these bugs in the deco systems! restart, re install etc. Bugs stay, for this amount of money i
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2023-12-15 14:30:56

Extra SSD

Hi, Is it possible to add extra SSD in which devices can connect with each other, but not with the main SSD. and i don't mean guest or iot. For example i want for my kids a network, so they can contro
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2023-11-28 11:12:52

Enter web interface iot device

Hi, i need to do some settings on the web interface of my heating pump. Since it is on the iot network, i can not enter it. Not from the main and not from the Iot network connected. It is not possible