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Forums/ Deco
By Andeh1 2025-01-07 17:54:26

Low speed over WiFi AP mode

Hi all, Everything non-moving in our property is hardwired CAT6 (TVs etc) and we get the full 300mb/s from our broadband provider. However, with the Decos we are only getting around 1/3 of this at all
Forums/ Deco
By Andeh1 2024-12-20 09:20:02

Unable to get ethernet backhaul working, tried AP & Router mode

Hi there, My Deco's have been working fine via WIFI, but I now want to have them hard wired as my 300mb connection only transfers through to 75mb ish at the end of my house. I have tried a few differe
Forums/ Deco
By Andeh1 2023-08-14 17:13:28

Incorrect password, but it is correct!!

Hi there, I have never had this before, but most days my phone drops off my home WIFi & claims ''incorrect password'' - on my phone I turn wifi off, then on again, and it connects fine. Have tried for
Forums/ Deco
By DanielSweet 2020-05-23 17:20:06

Ethernet not working on deco?

Hi there I've just bought a 3 Deco M5s. I've installed all three. One with the ethernet cable plugged into my router, one in my study downstairs, and one upstairs in my room. All wifi is working fine,
Forums/ Deco
By Andeh1 2023-07-23 14:41:40

Connect all Decos to Ethernet back end?

I have 3 x Decos, bought a few weeks ago. Currently 1 is connected to my TP Link 48x Switch with the other two connected to it wirelessly. We have a house with solid bricks walls so one of the sister