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Forums/ Range Extenders
By cl-7k-01 2023-09-06 09:48:37

Repeater and simultaneous double band

I bought a RE330 to pair it via EasyMesh to the VX1810v modem/router (also EasyMesh). The modem/router supports the creation of wireless networks with simultaneous dual bands (2,4 and 5), by enabling
Forums/ Range Extenders
By cl-7k-01 2023-09-04 14:02:44

RE330 Range Extender & fast roaming

Hi everyone. I purchased two RE330s for use with the Archer VX1810v modem/router. Do these extenders, when used to create an EasyMesh network, have fast roaming functionality? I looked through the spe
Forums/ Deco
By cl-7k-01 2023-09-04 08:20:21

Deco E4 Access Point mode

Hi everyone. I have a doubt about the functioning of the Deco mesh system. I have two Deco E4, the main one connected via ethernet to a switch. The second connected to the main with wifi connection (w
Forums/ Range Extenders
By MarcJ123 2023-04-03 15:56:11

RE330 AC1200 Mesh Wi-Fi Extender EasyMesh

I followed the link on this page - To check which range extender would be compatible with EasyMesh. I've bought 3 of the above extenders with the hope I co
Forums/ Deco
By cl-7k-01 2023-06-30 08:27:29

Mesh network and main router

Hi everyone, I would like to ask a perhaps trivial question but not obvious to me. I have 3 Deco E4 (hardware v. 1) at home, set in mesh mode. One of this is the "main" because it is connected via eth