2024-07-18 22:58:43
ER707-M2 new installation. cant get past username/password
Unable to get brand new ER707-M2 setup. When I first located its IP, and opened a browser, it was prompting me for a username/password combo, not the "setup new" dialog. So I got up and held the RESET
Requests & Suggestions
2023-03-20 18:49:17
Feature request: MAC address referencing, using something like https dnschecker org/mac-lookup.php
Feature request to utilize service like https dnschecker org/mac-lookup.php for gaining some info about unnamed devices on the network.
Requests & Suggestions
2023-03-14 02:35:49
ER605 - Combine WAN's to Double Speed! Link Aggregation
ER605 + OC200. I wanted to combine two wans to double the speed apparently it does not do this, it just load balances between the two. Can this please be added as a feature. I currently have two NBN c
Requests & Suggestions
2023-03-01 12:09:10
Let's Encrypt certificate
Would be nice to have possibilty to use automated Let's Encrypt cert generation and renewal via web interface.
Requests & Suggestions
2022-12-31 08:49:29
DDNS Service FreeDNS such as afraid org
A while ago I asked for implemtation of additional DDNS Services such as FreeDNS (afraid dot org) into the ER7206 Omada Router. Please let me know about the status. Sorry for opening a new thread, the
2021-03-04 02:14:44
Get the Latest Firmware Releases for Omada Routers Here - Subscribe for Updates
Latest Firmware Release > Early Access < ER7212PC V1 1.3.0 Build 20250117 Pre-Release Firmware (Released on Jan 23rd, 2025) ER7206 V2 2.2.0 Build 20250113 Pre-Release Firmware (Released on Jan 15th, 2