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Forums/ Deco
By stuarthoughton 2022-08-02 15:07:49

Deco M4 reporting incorrect IP for Tasmota device

I have a smart plug running Tasmota v 12.0.0 that is connected to my wireless mesh. Until the weekend it was on IP I then restarted my Deco devices due to an internet outage. the Deco
Forums/ Deco
By stuarthoughton 2022-08-01 12:07:16

Can I make the local network available when the internet is down?

I recently lost my internet connection due to an infrastructure fault in my local area. The fault is now resolved but I was wondering why my local wireless network was also unavailable when the extern
Forums/ Deco
By stuarthoughton 2022-02-12 13:14:15

Unable to connect to device unless pinged from that device

I have a Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu Linux that runs a local web server. Until recently I have been able to connect to the server without issues. In the last week, however, when I try to connect from