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Forums/ Controllers
By MauriceGee 2024-02-26 09:10:48

OpenVPN stops working after replacing router

Hello all, With the ER605 I have setup OpenVPN in the Omada Controller (OC200) which worked like a charm. Last weekend I replaced my ER605 with the ER707-M2 router. Everything works perfect, except co
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By RSCW 2024-02-24 18:44:23

Need capability to download Controller backups remotely. Need ability to name router ports.

1. When managing multiple sites remotely (currently we have around 40 locations), we need to be able to remotely dowload a backup of the settings when we make any changes. It's crazy that this can onl
Forums/ WiFi
By PKeithM 2024-02-24 18:10:59

EAP670V2 newbie questions

I am new to omada (currently have cisco) and I going to try the EAP670v2 as an upgrade candidate. (1) From the specifications it appers that the TL-POE260S POE injector will work just fine with the EA
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
By A-anany00000000 2024-02-23 17:59:29

How to configuration CPE710 (as access point) to CPE510 (as client)

I tried many times to connect CPE710 as access point with CPE510 as client to have internet between 2 homes the distance around 12km but I'm even can't connect the two models and even I don't know it
Forums/ WiFi
By 900mhz 2024-02-23 00:15:43

EAP660HD disconnected, blinking LED

Greetings! My POE+ powered EAP660HD disconnected at random today. Upon investigation the AP had a blinking LED. I physically disconnected the AP for about 20 minutes, and reconnected it in an attempt
Forums/ Controllers
By OMADA-tunisia 2024-02-22 19:30:22

Oc 300 V5.13.24 problem on the omada android app

Today after updating my oc 300to V5. 14.24 I'm getting an error on the omada app on the cloud after any modification and trying to save it