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Forums/ Deco
By BendalfTheGrey 2021-12-10 09:40:32

Parental Control on Deco X90 / X60

Hey guys! I installed a great network with 2 Deco X90 and 2 Deco X60 at home. It works perfectly. Today I want to set the parental control but I can't find any trace of HomeShield or HomeCare in my De
Forums/ Deco
By BendalfTheGrey 2021-10-20 04:15:04

Perfect Mesh for a big house with reinforced concrete walls

Hey TP-Linkers! I need to install a brand new mesh network in a 2-story house (3500sqf). The only problem is that I have 2 big gigantic reinforced concrete walls right in the middle of the house. The