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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By PeteT 2024-09-02 05:41:14

Access from WAN to external site through VPN

I have VPN between two sites (each with an ER605 router managed by an OM200) connected using IP-sec. Site B does not have any pubically accessible IP address (the ISP NAT's everything so there is no w
Forums/ Routers
By DRomney 2023-06-12 02:54:33

DDNS update from wrong WAN

Using the OMADA SDN Have DDNS set up to update using my backup/second WAN connection. IP address being updated to DDNS is from the primary WAN connection, not the WAN connection the DDNS is set up to
Forums/ Controllers
By vitor_a 2020-07-27 03:13:50

Speed Test Statistics new Omada

How to use Speed Test Statistics and Periodic Speed Test in new Omada?