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Forums/ Deco
By ferus a week ago

Ethernet backhaul not working for more than 1 Deco unit

Hi, I have a question about ethernet backhaul for Deco M4 units. I have 3 Deco units - main unit and 2 additional ones, all working in AP mode. I am trying to connect the 2 additional units to the mai
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
By ferus 2021-05-19 17:20:54

Need to double check the hardware version of TL-PA4010

Hi, I apologize in advance for this question but I am unable to determine the hardware version of my 3 TL-PA4010 adapters. I want to update the firmware on all of them because of intermittent disconne
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By ferus 2021-04-07 09:30:18

Issue with Archer C6U when used as wired AP

Hello, I am having a strange problem with my Archer C6U router when used with other TP-LINK devices. My setup is following (also please see pic below): I have an Archer C5 with Wi-Fi enabled provided