2021-04-21 00:13:02
More powerful AP than EAP225-Outdoor?
Hi! Do you you if TP Link has plan to build more powerful AC than EAP225-Outdoor? I mean it works, especially in plain air or empty halls and spaces but it can't traverse walls and other obstacles and
2021-04-06 17:12:25
Is it possible to Specify wifi for an access point?
I just started playing with OC200 and I have one access point for now and I will have the EAP-225 outdoor ac soon. I was wondering whether it's possible to have some wifi networks on the EAP-245 that
2021-03-20 02:58:56
Voucher not available in EAP245
Hi! I just bought the EAP245 for a small hotspot business that I'm willing to launch soon. The voucher authentication method is the one that's ideal for me. I don't see that option as a authentication