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Forums/ Feature Requests
2025-01-01 05:30:02
Re:Support ONVIF and/or RTSP protocols on C420 S or via the Hub 200
Ok, this thread is sort of old. Has this feature been implemented on the C420 or the H200?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-01-01 21:20:19
Also Controlling Smart Bulbs
........also -- does it make any difference in the operation of these bulbs if the circuit is controlled by a conventional dimmer switch?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-01-01 06:39:15
Controlling Smart Bulbs
I own a Kasa smart dimmer and 4 Kasa smart outlets. Very happy with the way they work. I also own a Philips Hue system that I am currently not impressed with. I would like to install another Kasa...