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Forums/ Adapters
2024-11-30 10:03:35
Re:Slow TX201 adapter
@Marvin_S Thank you. I got in touch with TP-Link support. Very efficient :-) They have resolved the issue. Thnak you.
Forums/ Adapters
2024-11-12 14:50:15
Slow TX201 adapter
Hi I have purchased a TX201 for my machine running Kali and Win7. I was unable to make it work on Win7 due to driver signature problem ! I have tried the driver on the CD and I have also downloaded...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-10-21 16:38:37
Re:RE650 AC2600 Wifi Extender is loosing 5Ghz Band
@Solla-topee Hello Thank you for your reply. Actually when you switch on the device all the leds turn ON. and then, the 5G led will drop off. I have operated a reset and configured my device using...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-09-02 08:09:53
RE650 AC2600 Wifi Extender is loosing 5Ghz Band
I have purchased TP Link RE 650 AC2600 Wifi Extender a week ago and on the extender only 2.4GHz light is on and it never shows light on on my 5GHz (except while booting). I am connecting to ASUS...