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Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2020-09-11 13:31:39
Re:MR600 - problem seeing received sms messages
Currently using this for the band select option. 1.1.0 0.9.1 v0001.0 Build 200417 Rel.75138n Tested. 1.2.0 0.9.1 v0001.0 Build 200511 Rel.44954n Common issue: I send successfully a message to my ISP...
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2020-08-07 16:17:59
Re:MR600 - problem seeing received sms messages
@Diak66 I Can send SMS. The problem is that i can't see received messages!
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2020-07-20 12:00:14
Re:MR600 - problem seeing received sms messages
Hello i'm new of this forums, i red a lot about beta firmwares in last month, to fix my persistent problem with invisible SMS, i haven't found a definitive solution with any of beta firmwares and now...