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Forums/ WiFi
2022-12-07 14:54:45
Re:EAP670 is rebooting (boot loop) after upgrade to latest firmware
@s0x That's not uncommon for the firmware to show up first in the controller.
Forums/ WiFi
2022-12-02 14:14:18
Re:Wireless Roaming
@Jimsx03 What kind of device are you talking about? Important thing to remember is that roaming is up to the client, the APs just provide the information that the client can use to roam.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-11 14:41:43
Re:Large Ping Attack lose 9 to 150 packets
I am seeing the same thing. All my "ping attacks" are coming from internal iPhones.
Forums/ Routers
2022-11-10 14:59:11
Re:New FirmWare 1.2.3 with No ChangeLog?
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-12 13:00:57
Re:Omada OC200 v1.0 5.4.7 - DHCP not working and other problems
Not sure if this is related, but there was a beta firmware released for the TL-R605 that fixed an issue with DHCP resevervations.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-05 13:47:29
Re:FAQ Improvements and Errors on Omada SDN Controller Installation on Linux
@caverunner17 The default user on a proxmox install is root so you don't even need to use sudu when you run these steps. Some argue you shouldn't use the default root user on promox, but if you are...