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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-10-08 12:01:37
Re:[Solution] Powerline Extender Acting as the DHCP server
@pipi I don't know lease times but I don't have any problems since I developed the script so I think they are very low. The WPA is located in an incovenient place so i cannot check. As Jvmd said this...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-10-08 08:53:41
Re:[Solution] Powerline Extender Acting as the DHCP server
@pipi After the power cycle the WPA will reach your router so the Smart DHCP will not start. My setup is like this: host A with script <---> TL-WPA8630P V2 <---> TL-PA8010P <---> router with dhcp...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-10-08 06:48:51
Re:[Solution] Powerline Extender Acting as the DHCP server
Hi all, you can try this python script that restarts the WPA adapter when an host on the other site of the network is not reachable. It's a workaround that looks for the adapter via mac address,...