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Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Adblocker on omada ?
The 2100 is a router/firewall as well so it can eliminate the ER707. I would recommend PiHole on your network. You can use a cheap PC or a Raspberry Pi for it.
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Unable to get HP Printer work on different vlans
@HaSrT1206 HP Printers need two-way communication. First make sure all device ports are tagged correctly on the ER605 and SG2428P. This includes the UPLINK port and Device Port on the SG2428P. If the...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Can not connect to device over LAN with ER605
@irbaaz Alternate configuration: If you have Modem/Router Combos from the ISP, try the following setup. You will need to setup static Routes on each router to get the separate networks to talk to...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Can not connect to device over LAN with ER605
@irbaaz Ideally your setup should look like this: You can either create VLANs on the default LAN port or use the extra LAN ports on the ER605 to create separate networks. Each Network/VLAN should...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:"Location Group" Not Honoring US-based IP addresses
@US007 Thanks for the clarification. TP-Link may have the IP in the list by mistake, or something changed that they are not aware of.
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:Can not connect to device over LAN with ER605
@irbaaz You don't need to clone MAC Addresses. When the ISP Modem/Router combo is put into "Passthrough Mode", it turns it into a ISP Modem only. Right now the Modem side gets the WAN IP and the...