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Forums/ Deco
2021-06-29 05:47:46
Re:Deco M5 source signal selectable?
@TP-Link Can you please provide a date for the new 1.6.0 firmware release? We are struggling to work with the current version and this is pending from a very long time. I feel you should be...
Forums/ Deco
2021-02-23 06:15:39
Re:Deco M5 source signal selectable?
@TP-Link The ask here is simple. Provide whatever network optimization algorithm which you feel will improve the situation. But, also provide a way for the customer to select the source manually so...
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-06 08:07:37
Re:Deco M5 source signal selectable?
Even I am facing the same problem with Deco M5(1.4.4). The 2nd node always gets connected to the main node which is farther than the 1st node. And the 2nd node results in having weak signal. Either...
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-04 08:55:39
Option to make one node connect manually to a particular node only
Hi, I don't see any option in the Deco Android app to manually connect one node to a particular node. Instead it is done automatically with Deco's internal logic. In my case, the M5 node is always...
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-02 10:09:39
Deco M5 satellite node always connecting to master node instead of a nearer satellite node
I have a Deco M5 mesh network with one master node and 2 satellite nodes, say satellite_node_1 and satellite_node_2. The node satellite_node_1 has good signal from the master node and no issues here....