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Forums/ Adapters
2022-10-21 10:23:28
Re:Realtek Chipset Driver for Archer T2U(Nano/ Plus)/T3U(Nano/ Plus)/T4U(Plus)/T4UH/T9UH (Win7/Win10)
@Solla-topee Could you check the new 2022 driver drv_WLAN_Realtek_USB_1030.45.0422.2022 ? It was reported to be available on this post:...
Forums/ Adapters
2021-05-27 05:19:37
Re:Archer T4U wont connect to USB 3
@Kathy_Z The Archer T4U 3.20 doesn't go beyond USB 2.0 High Speed even when connected to a USB 3.0 port. Please fix this, I'm sure you know about this issue for years
Forums/ Adapters
2020-05-08 20:37:38
Re:Archer T4U is not recognized as USB 3.0
@DvGxVN @Kathy_Z Hello, I have the very same problem! Most probably because of that my Archer T4U v3 (here it is v3.20 US) doesn't achieve speeds higher than about 125 Megas. Do I need to install...