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Forums/ Deco
2020-09-11 12:33:43
Re:Deco M4 and LG WebOS Tv
Okay so,if anyone ends up in this forum post,the solution in the end is to turn off fast roaming.Atleast thats what i found out since the instant i turn on fast roaming the tv stops beeing detected...
Forums/ Deco
2020-08-27 21:18:24
Re:Deco M4 and LG WebOS Tv
@MartinLuchessi Hi Martin! I dont know if you have come by another solution,but I happened to purchase another WebOS TV and it had the same problem. Given the fact that i couldnt run an ethernet...
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-26 12:38:06
Re:Deco M4 and LG WebOS Tv
@MartinLuchessi Yes i do have another TV,and an LG in fact! Although its one of their older models,without webos and everythings works fine with that.This tv doesnt have the ports you said open,but...
Forums/ Deco
2020-06-26 09:32:34
Re:Deco M4 and LG WebOS Tv
@MartinLuchessi Hi Martin! No,unfortunately i havent progressed in solving the problem,however i think even if you get your tv serviced the problem will still exist. I say that since my tvs wifi...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-08 10:58:11
Deco M4 and LG WebOS Tv
Hey Everyone! I Recently purchased a TP-LINK deco m4 whole home wifi kit,and i must say i am very satisfied apart from this problem. In my living room i have a deco satellite and an LG webos tv. The...