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Forums/ Deco
2021-06-05 17:30:03
Re:Deco M9 - All Devices showing as offline even if they are really online
Found the solution. 1) Switch Off all the devices that are part of the mesh. 2) Wait 30sec to 1min on the main Deco before restarting 3) Wait for the green dot and check if devices are starting to...
Forums/ Deco
2021-06-01 10:09:13
Deco M9 - All Devices showing as offline even if they are really online
Hi there, All of my devices (60+) are showing Offline in the Deco APP (iphone) even if they are online. Tried to delete the devices and rebooting them but still showing offline. Any ideas? This...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2020-10-15 01:18:03
Slow bandwidth on AV1200 - Suggestions
Hi, Speed test directly on the router gives an average of 400megs down, but when using the powerline adapters it shows 25 meg when plugging directly my laptop to it. Something that could cause some...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-11 09:36:01
Re:Tp Link M9 Plus Bluetooth
it disconnects 10 times a day in average.
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-11 09:34:46
Re:Tp Link M9 Plus Bluetooth
@Kevin_Z I have a Netatmo weather station with a deco M9 plus and it keeps disconnecting. Is there a way to fix that or do you have any advice on how to configure it? I cannot get data in my Netatmo...
Forums/ Deco
2020-04-15 15:11:23
Re:Feature Request Deco - Assign Static IP address based on MAC Address, Device Offline
@TP-Link_Deco the problem I have is with a netatmo base station that keeps disconnecting from the deco mesh. From time to time it will appear and I can pick up the MAC address during that limited...