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Forums/ Adapters
2020-03-26 07:47:59
Re:Archer T2U Nano cannot detect any 5GHz
@Stella.Q I installed the driver you attached, and it could finally connect to 5G, but the speed was less than 1Mbps (went to a few online speed test websites), which I think is usable these days...
Forums/ Adapters
2020-03-04 16:42:52
Re:Archer T2U Nano cannot detect any 5GHz
@Stella.Q Sorry, my bad when I said I tried other USB ports - I did try the 2 adjacent ones (at the back) at first, but today when I plugged it in the front slot, it can detect the 5Ghz, but then...
Forums/ Adapters
2020-03-02 10:16:02
Re:Archer T2U Nano cannot detect any 5GHz
@Frankification Thanks for you reply. I actually installed the very same driver from the link you sent (chose Windows 10) and have restarted my router a few times, but still no 5GHz detected. I have...
Forums/ Adapters
2020-02-29 06:47:01
Archer T2U Nano cannot detect any 5GHz
I bought a Archer T2U Nano, installed latest driver (Windows 10) but cannot detect 5GHz networks It can detect other 2.4GHz (gets disconnected easily too) but not a single 5GHz (there are other 5Ghz...
Forums/ Adapters
2020-02-29 06:31:08
Re:T2U nano not detecting 5Ghz
@Kevin_Z I have the same problem with my T2U nano - installed latest driver (Windows 10) but not detecting 5GHz networks " Can it detect any wireless networks? Like 2.4GHz or other 5GHz SSIDs? " -...