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Forums/ Controllers
2023-05-06 21:45:57
Wireguard support
I run 4 sites and have Omada TL-R605 v1 routers running firmware 1.2.1 and oc200 controllers at all sites, I'd like to know if / when wireguard support will be added. Or if there's a trade-in scheme...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-11-28 21:16:50
Internet connectivity test / speed test
I have several sites using different internet connection methods and until recently I was using the periodic speed tests as a very basic way of testing internet connectivity and the connection...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-28 20:45:16
ER7212PC UK Availability
Please can anybody help me, I've been quietly waiting for the launch of the ER7212PC for several months but there's been no announcement and my usual supplier's aren't stocking these yet however...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-01 22:58:50
Re:Omada Router
@NeoCZ Thanks for the link that looks ideal for my needs, on the uk website it only lists the ER605 and the ER7206, i dont suppose you know when the ER8411 is due to be released?
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-01 19:45:50
Omada Router
Does anyone know if there are plans for a 2.5g or 10g router for the omada range as I am considering upgrading my main site ER605 and wanted to future proof it rather than just getting the ER7206.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-02-25 19:32:37
Re:Double NAT problem on ER 605 with double LTE WANs connected
@_PJ Hi, I had a simlar problem when I was trying to aggregate a lte and wifi bridge (our local ISP offers internet via a long range wifi link) connection with a er605, the problem is you havent got...